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GHA Commission

The Housing Authority of the Town of Glastonbury (“GHA”) is led by a five-member commission that is appointed by the Glastonbury Town Council. One member of the commission is required to be a GHA resident. Commissioners are the governing body of the Housing Authority and work closely with the Executive Director and local officials. The commission sets GHA’s policies, long-term goals, and short-term goals. Via their leadership, commissioners enable the housing agency to fulfill its mission of providing affordable, safe, and sanitary housing in a sustainable, thriving community.

The GHA commissioners are:

  • Chairperson- Carl Stenman
  • Vice-Chairperson- Cathy Vacchelli
  • Commissioner- James Noonan
  • Tenant Commissioner- Nyja Hart
  • Commissioner- Michelle Polgar

Commission Meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at 5:45 p.m. in the main offices of the Housing Authority of the Town of Glastonbury, 25 Risley Road, Glastonbury CT 06033.