Welles Village Roof Replacement Work Starts
The Welles Village roof project started on October 15, 2024 and will be completed before the end of the year.
The Welles Village roof project started on October 15, 2024 and will be completed before the end of the year.
Join Glastonbury Youth and Family Services (who co-sponsor WACY summer camp) for ACE Thursdays (After school Creative Experiences) for the 2023-2024 school year!
Herbert T Clark House Substitute / Holiday On-Call Attendant
This summer, Welles Village and Glastonbury youth under the age of 18 can access free breakfast and lunch meals through the CT Summer Meals program. Interested residents should visit the Housing Authority located at 25 Risley Road at the following times Monday through Friday:
Breakfast: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Lunch: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Registration is open for the 2024 Welles Village WACY program. Join us at the start of summer BBQ on May 16, 2024, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and complete a registration form.
Tenant commissioner position open and new participant sought to fill vacancy. Update 5/22/2024
Join us on Thursday, November 02, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the Herbert T. Clark House's Assisted Living community open house.
Throughout the 6-week program, high school students engaged in leadership skill building. This included learning skills such as effective communication, responsibility taking, positive role modeling, and promoting supportive and encouraging relationships among all youth attendees.
GHA was provided four additional vouchers under the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2022 (P.L. 117-103)
Department of Housing Commissioner Seila Mosquera-Bruno and HUD Field Office Director Suzanne Piacentini visited Herbert T Clark Congregate for the SSHP Renovation Open House