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Welles Village ACE Registration is open. Program starts Wednesday, September 14, 2022.

The Welles Village After-School Creative Experiences (ACE) Program is open to Welles Village residents in grades K-5.  The Town of Glastonbury Youth and Family Services program brings participants together with high school and adult mentors for a number of activities including , homework assistance, field trips, board games, arts and crafts, snacks and outdoor games.  

To register: email Jason at jason.stankowski@glastonbury-ct.gov and complete the registration form found in the lobby of the Glastonbury Housing Authority office.  

The ACE Program runs on every Wednesday from 1:15 p.m. until 3:15 p.m. in the Welles Village Community room, starting on September 14, 2022.  The ACE program ends Wednesday May 24, 2023.  Come join Jason and his team for another exciting year of ACE!